Radox Essentials Soft Care Bath Cream with Milk 500ml
£1 from Savers
This is truely the best smelling bubble bath I have ever smelt from Radox!
To me, the smell is quite sweet, with perhaps a hint of pinapple or something. Its very soft, and really feels nice when poured into a lovely hot bath!
Now some people may think that having a bath isnt really hygenic because your sitting in your own filth, yadda yadda... But personally, I love nothing better than a good ole soak!
If I come out looking like a lobster, then thats a plus!
I find a bath for me is good for warming me up, soaking aching muscles, and just generally relaxing, and I also find I can never have a bath without any bubbles!
I do usually buy Radox bubble baths because they're just really nice, you normally get a good bubble pay out, and for me they tend to be quite cheap, as I normally buy them when they are on offer at work!
When I was staying at Tom's I forgot to bring bubble bath with me (his family are shower people!), so when we were in town, picking up some toiletries, I noticed this in Savers, for a £1, smelt it, and bought it!
Another lovely thing about this product, is you really dont need a great deal of it in your bath to produce a decent amount of bubbles.
I was really pleased with this, and it will definatly be on my re-purchase list!
Ps. I have been abit slack lately with my blog, and YouTube channel, I apologise!
The reason there hasnt been any NOTW post this week is because I've been working on some halloween nail art, that I will be starting to share with you in october! :)
As for YouTube, I blame my shit interent wanting to take nearly 700 minutes to upload and 10 minute video!
I shall get there eventually!